Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It all comes back to religion

It was really interesting to see how the story of the hog faced woman was treated and how it was framed. It did indeed have a sort of fairy tale quality about it (despite the less than happy ending) and it seemed to be treated as a curiosity for the sake of a curiosity. I found it in stark contrast to the monstrous baby pamphlets. In those, the monstrous birth is of course the subject of the pamphlet, but I found the focus was always on monstrous religion. Ultimately, the monstrous birth was just a means to single out and make a point of religious monstrosities of the time, particularly Catholicism and anti-Independents. And, more generally speaking, monstrous babies served as a curiosity of their own very rarely; they were almost always viewed as a sign of God's wrath towards the parents, England as a whole, humanity in general, etc., and never as just a strange happening.

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